Prince of Wales – Burns Night

With Christmas out the way and the brethren look ahead to 2025 the club made the long (in quite a few cases) journey up to Stow on the Wold for their Burns Night supper.

With over 100 people attendance, the Prorsum contingent there to support past chairman W Bro Brian Morris numbered 18 and included the Provincial Grand Master, Assistant Provincial Grand Master and their wives and partners.

After a short meeting up in the temple the brethren retired to the bar and met up with the wives & partners. After some quick refreshments everyone was escorted by the Cheltenham Pipe Band across the square to St Edwards Hall, an amazing venue steeped in history, which certainly added to the atmosphere of the occasion.

The Prince of Wales burns night is well known through the province and local area and for those going along for the first time it was evident why.

The address to the haggis was expertly performed by W. Bro. I. R. Jackson and W. Bro. K. Dickson-Lane although there remains some doubts with regards their Scottish heritage based on their accents!

Following a supper including the haggis (addressed, cut and suitably prepared) tatties and neep’s everyone was treated to the Prince of Wales premier boy band rendition of the Andy Stewart classic “Donald, Where’s your Troosers” along with some additional songs from the pipe band.

With the Province of Gloucestershire spread across such a wide area those temples at the extreme ends perhaps get forgotten about when people go visiting, so it was nice to see so many people from all reaches of the Province make the effort to come along, and there can be no doubt that everyone had a great evening and were made most welcome.

London Calling

Since its formation the club has attended December Quarterly Communications with Master Masons allowed to attend. This year again, a contingent from Gloucestershire travelling by cars, trains and buses to make the their way to Grand Lodge.

With no provincial (and Prorsum ties) being worn it was harder than normal to spot everyone amongst the huge number of masons present but thankfully it wasn’t long before the Gloucester brethren managed to meet up.

For those who hadn’t been to Grand Lodge before it was certainly a spectacular event to witness, from the huge number district officers who had travelled from across the globe, to hearing the national anthem sung in such fine voice and in those surroundings. The presentation and results of the Three Pillar review was also on the agenda and certainly struck a chord with several of the group.

Following the meeting the brethren then went in two different directions, some made the trip to a local Italian restaurant for something to eat. O thers including the Provincial Grand Master, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Assistant Provincial Grand Master plus several members of the provincial team went to Lavender Hill Lodge 3191 which is the mother lodge of the club Secretary.

The lodge was conducting an installation and whilst those below Installed Master missed part of the ceremony, the part they did see was wonderful- including an extended working tools which for some was a first.

The meeting was followed by a lively festive board at a local hotel after which the Gloucestershire brethren jumped back on the train or in the car for the journey back home.

A fantastic day was had by all, and the club looks forward to next year and to seeing a few more of the members coming along.


A look inside the 1st Degree

Although not one of the clubs official visits several members including the Chair and Vice Chair were out last Thursday at Chipping Sodbury Masonic Hall to visit Safeguarding lodge.

The ceremony was a demonstration first degree with a difference, the candidate was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro Mark Steventon-Smith and was narrated by W. Bro Richard Reeve PAGDC of the Grand Lodge of England.

The ceremony, expertly conducted by the Worshipful Master and brethren of the lodge, was for W Bro Steventon-Smith a jump back in time to 31 years ago this month where he was initiated into Freemasonry.

Throughout the proceedings W Bro Reeves stopped to explain the symbolism behind certain elements, the reason for the language used and why things are done in ain that particular way. It was a fascinating look into the history of the initiation ceremony and to get a greater understanding of the elements that date back more than 300 year but also more modern changes that have come in since the great war.

At the end there was also the chance for people ask questions about the ceremony but also Freemasonry in general.

The evening finished with a fantastic festive board and even some Bristol Fire (Safeguarding was originally formed by members of the two Provinces and so there were a few practices from across the border seen throughout the night)

Thanks to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Safeguarding Lodge and of course the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro Mark Steventon-Smith and W. Bro Richard Reeve PAGDC for a lovely evening of learning and friendship.


Multi Club Visit at St Pauls

Light Blues Clubs Gather at the Lodge of St Pauls

Prorsum Semper has always fostered excellent relationships with clubs from around England and Wales and most especially those from bordering counties. This was evident at a gathering after a invite from Prorsum Semper Secretary and WM of St Pauls – Scott Redpath. The visit was set up with the Cubit Club reaching out to neighbouring provinces to join together in combined lodge visits. This soon escalated into a to multi club conference with attendance from  Cubit club (Worcestershire), Colonnade (South Wales). Brethren also came from Swindon, Wiltshire.

Portland streets capacity was put to the test with around 60 in attendance in a packed lodge room for the Initiation of Mr Matthew Goodwin, a serving British Army officer, whose late father, Frank Clifford, was a member of the lodge for many years. Frank was a strong supporter of the lodge of instruction and new members in general. It was therefore a fitting tribute to Frank that his son should be initiated in front of such a gathering.

The meeting was attended by  Ian Davies APGM (Vice President of Prorsum Semper), Michael Dykes APGM Worcestershire (President of the Cubit club), Brody Swain Grand Pursuivant and 7 masters of other lodges.

The evening raised £250 for Cheltenham Open Door – To Read more about this wonderful Charity and the Lodge of St Pauls continuted support please see the article on Glosmasons click here.

The Cubit Club are keen to host a reciprocal visit to their province to continue to forge strong links between our clubs across Provinces.

We thank Scott Redpath for the articles and Brody Swain for providing the excellent photos.

Prorsum Semper’s September Official Visit to St Lawrence Lodge 5928 – 20th September 2023

Freemasonry, a fraternity with deep-rooted traditions and values, has always thrived on the bonds of brotherhood and the initiation of new members into its ranks. Prorsum Semper, the Light Blues Club of Gloucestershire, has been playing an integral role in ensuring the growth and vitality of Freemasonry by fostering connections and introducing potential candidates to this ancient and noble craft. The recent September official visit of Prorsum Semper to St Lawrence Lodge 5928 at the Stroud Masonic Centre was a testament to their commitment and effectiveness in attracting new candidates for Freemasonry.

The highlight of the evening was the initiation of Tony Stuart, a Brother who had attended Prorsum Semper’s social events on previous occasions. Tony’s journey into Freemasonry was excellently performed by WBro John Marsden and his formidable team, showcasing the dedication and precision that underlie the rituals and ceremonies of the craft.

The initiation ceremony was not just a solemn occasion; it was a testament to the warm and welcoming atmosphere that Prorsum Semper fosters within the fraternity. After the initiation, the evening continued with a festive board that featured hearty food and the company of brothers. The power of camaraderie in Freemasonry was on full display, as individuals from diverse backgrounds came together to celebrate Tony’s initiation.

The event saw a strong turnout, with ten Prorsum Semper Brothers in attendance. Among them was WBro Scott Redpath, our Prorsum Semper Secretary, who had just been installed as a Master the night before at St Paul’s Lodge 8229.

The occasion was also made special by the presence of two of the newest Brothers, Neil Jones and Spike Chandler, who have, in the last year, been initiated as Entered Apprentices. Their experience at St Lawrence Lodge was a positive one, and they will undoubtedly share stories of how they were warmly welcomed by the members of this wonderful lodge and the Brothers of Prorsum Semper. The fraternity’s commitment to mentoring and guiding new members was evident in the care and hospitality extended to Neil and Spike.

Assistant Provincial Grand Master Ian Davies, a staunch supporter of Prorsum Semper, was also in attendance, adding to the sense of occasion. His presence underscored the importance of this official visit and the support that Prorsum Semper receives from the wider Masonic community.

Visiting other lodges and engaging with fellow Freemasons is at the heart of Prorsum Semper’s mission. This September official visit to St Lawrence Lodge served as a testament to its success in fostering meaningful connections and introducing new members to the craft.

As Prorsum Semper looks forward to the future, they hope to build on this fantastic attendance and continue their mission of growing and strengthening the Masonic community. The invitation is extended to all to join them at their next meeting at May Hill 8056 on the 28th of November, another lodge that holds a special place in their hearts and is presided over by Prorsum Semper regular WBro Jason Marfell.

In conclusion, the September official visit of Prorsum Semper to St Lawrence Lodge 5928 was a resounding success, reinforcing the bonds of brotherhood and welcoming new members into the Masonic fold. The warm and inviting atmosphere of the evening, coupled with the precision of the initiation ceremony, served as a testament to the enduring appeal of Freemasonry and the dedication of Prorsum Semper in promoting its values and traditions.

Prorsum Semper Visit Provincial Grand Lodge

What a day!

Brethren, this is one of those peak days as a Freemason and attendance to Provincial Grand Lodge really must be high on your list.

Prorsum Semper attended in fantastic numbers thanks to the generosity of PGL for reserving a number of spaces specifically for us. The ceremony was conducted with Military precision by Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies WBro Christ West PAGDC and presided over expertly by the Provincial Grand Master, his Wardens and Officers.

The processions of Grand Officers, visiting rulers, provincial officers past and present really is something to behold. From the poignancy of the memoriam to Brethren lost in the past year to the joy of watching those who received their first appointment or promotion it was a truly interesting ceremony over too quickly.

As we waited for the festive board that followed we had the opportunity to meet Brethren from all walks of life each one of them generous with their time and truly interested in those taking their first steps in masonry.

Thank you to all those attending for making it a great day, see you for this one next year!