Glorious Highnam Court 2024

With grey skies and a “little” bit of precipitation, the morning of Saturday 6th July promised a panoply of weather conditions for the annual Provincial Family Fun Day held in the spectacular grounds of Highnam Court.

As the saying goes – “Faint heart never won Fair Lady” – or more familiarly “He who dares Rodney…..”

This event is the highlight of the summer and where many lodges organise get togethers over the summer, the Family Fun Day brings the whole Province together, allowing the Brethren from across the county to meet new and renew old acquaintances and catch up with all the news from the various lodges and the province.

The event officially kicked off at 12pm in the glorious sunshine that lasted all of 5 minutes…! It was only a brief shower to keep everyone on their toes however and it was but a few more minutes before that Great Luminary of Nature reappeared, spreading light and lustre across the gardens.

Which was just as well for those Brethren who had cycled across from Stroud – Rich Gardiner & Tony Stuart along with Saskia. They have been cycling to the event for the past 3 years and naturally the Chairman came along with Agnes – though due to the shocking weather in Bristol, only from Gloucester railway station.

It was no surprise that the members of Prorsum Semper turned up en masse to enjoy the event including all the past Chairmen in attendance, with the most recently retired gainfully employed at the entrance to the gardens directing traffic.

The Provincial Outreach team were also on site, ably organised by Les Dance. This provided a good focal point for the club with Spike and Jason giving up their time to ‘man the stand’ with Les.

There were many highlights throughout the afternoon, not only the MASSIVE classic car show which provided a constant static presence – there really was something for everyone – BUT, not a Mini to be seen. It was pointed out that, considering the success of the original Mini and their enduring popularity, it was a surprise not to see at least one.

The musical highlights included Tim Pitman who not only sang his lungs out throughout the day but also acted as compere and general announcer. Tim runs his own music venue “The Old Pier” in Burnham on Sea (Old Pier) which is well worth a visit and may be appearing on the club calendar soon so keep an eye on our events. You can find more details about Tim and on his Facebook page Voice of Somerset, along with this clip from 2023 of Tim entertaining the crowds during one of the many rain showers: Tim Pitman

Then there were the Port of Bristol Shanty Crew – a marvellous bunch who provided excellent entertainment. They are also appearing at Tyndall Lodge’s November meeting if you would like to see them perform again or missed this weekends event. Check them out on Shanty Crew

Once again, well done and thank you to everyone for supporting the event and highlighting the strength of the club and the benefit of being involved.

Thanks to Chris Kitson for providing the article and excellent photos.

Posted in Social Event.